Regular art workshops for adults with learning disabilities

Celf o Gwmpas runs regular art workshops for adults with learning disabilities at Centre Celf, our multi use community arts centre in Llandrindod Wells on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am - 12.30pm, during term time.

Over the last few months we have run individual sessions making recycled flower pots to decorate the garden area, painting with music, printing and making notebooks. Alongside these sessions there has been three lots of more focused six week long courses, each on a particular art skill. As well as woodwork, where the participants made sunflowers and butterflies, we have also had a course on mosaics and at present we are running a Lino printing course.

There is a £4 fee for participants, carers are free. We ask that all participants have a support person with them during the session.

If you would like more information please get in touch.


Clwb Celf - Saturday morning art club 1st July


Clwb Celf - Saturday morning art club 17th June