Safe: An Exhibition by Lucy Burden


Safe: An Exhibition by Lucy Burden

We are extremely privileged to currently be hosting “Safe”, the first solo exhibition by local artist Lucy Burden.

 Lucy says “Trying to put into words what has inspired me or influenced me is tricky. As a young child I was amazed at my father’s drawings, etchings and paintings and would try to copy them. 

So, of course, P. John Burden is a huge influence. My grandparents took me to exhibitions and talked to me about artists of all kinds. But my journey was only bubbling in daydreams under the surface until very recently.”

In May 2018, Lucy was involved in a car crash which she feels was a clear catalyst for her painting.  She reflects that “being trapped in the car was terrifying and that experience, like a broken mirror, brought together other experiences of being trapped.  On balance I would say that the overall effect of the crash has been very positive. The main reason being I decided to paint. I immersed myself in painting. My newly heightened senses, which made the world quite scary and loud, also made things very beautiful - colours were extraordinarily intense, like I could see all the blues at once, all the rust colour at once, all the tiny flecks of a single colour. And, although I found it difficult to be around people, or roads or buildings or busyness of any sort, I no longer felt embarrassed about people seeing my paintings. I loved them and I didn’t mind if others did or not!”


But we do, love them!  Much of Lucy’s work is influenced by the beautiful Welsh coastline with the sea and Llangrannog beach taking centre stage.  The movement and colours beautifully evokes the moving sea.


Jane Mason, artist and Celf o Gwmpas Artists Network co-ordinator commented "There is a serenity in Lucy’s images which soothes the soul. Even the tumultuous waves of her seascapes crashing against ragged rocks have a fluid calm within the brushwork . . . "


Lucy’s exhibition has already attracted visitors of all ages and has received lots of wonderful feedback, “there is a real buzz about her work” said one visitor, “it’s absolutely beautiful.”


Lucy’s exhibition is open from 2 pm - 7 pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays until 17th February.  If you come during these times you will not only get the chance to see Lucy's fabulous paintings and her “Safe” sculpture, but you will also get to meet Lucy and see what she is currently working on! 

Celf o Gwmpas would like to ensure that anyone who would like to see Lucy's fantastic exhibition has the opportunity to do so, please phone on 01597 822777 or email if you would like to visit but are unable to make any of these times. 

The exhibition is at Centre Celf, Tremont road, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5EB.


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