Celf o Gwmpas Artists Network 8th Annual exhibition.

Celf o Gwmpas Artists Network have set themselves a real challenge for their annual exhibition. The theme they have chosen this year is ‘White’.

The exhibition, which opens from the 25th July  until 5th September, will be across Celf o Gwmpas’ two venues, Centre Celf on Tremont Road and Stiwdio Celf o Gwmpas on Temple Street, in Llandrindod Wells.

It will be interesting to see how the Artists interpret this theme, as ‘White’ is an absence of colour, which could lead to a very dull exhibition indeed. But I think we can be sure that the Artists in Celf o Gwmpas Artists Network will find many different challenging ways of visualising such a difficult subject.


Summer Music Sessions


Clwb Celf - Saturday morning art club